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Free in your body, free in your mind 


Sarah Frances Louise is a highly experienced bodyworker, teacher, space holder, and creator with over 12 years of experience working with the body.


Sarah’s wellbeing journey began 12 years ago when she qualified as a personal trainer, she soon became fascinated with the human body and mind, going on to train in Sports massage therapy, Reiki and gaining over 500 hours of training in Yoga including Kundalini and Yin.  


Sarah’s sensitive, kind, and compassionate nature has supported her passion, helping her to delve deep into the unconscious realms of the body and mind. She has gained an incredible amount of knowledge, wisdom, and experience throughout her career, assisting hundreds of clients on their healing journey. 


Sarah’s passion is to educate and hold space for physical and emotional well-being. She understands the importance of working with the body and not against it, in honoring our body's needs and remembering who we are beyond our past and conditioning.  


Sarah blends her extensive knowledge and experience into all of her offerings today.



Glastonbury, Wells & Bristol, 

"Yin and Kundalini Yoga are just a couple strings to Sarah's rather large bow... She’s so much more than a yoga teacher! She is a wonderful coach, and has acted as my compass, guiding me back to my authentic self."  


 I'm so much lighter, happier and full of positive energy, both physically and mentally. Thank you so much Sarah for all that you've given me. You truly are a special teacher.

I can't wait to see you again and continue my healing. Thank you so, so much.”  

Sarahs events

Events & classes


Experience harmony within your body and mind.


Through the power of breath, movement, sound, and meditation, Sarah will take you on a journey within...  

The lived experiences of childhood trauma, toxic relationships, and codependency, once led me towards destructive patterns of self sabotage, addictive behaviours, and self abandonment.​ 


I realised some time ago that I have spent much of my life in a trauma response, unaware of the impact that my childhood had had on how I viewed myself and the world. This awareness transformed my relationship with myself and my reality.

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